Driving under the influence can aid you in severe trouble if you are caught or cause an accident. When you are pulled over for drunk driving, you might have to pay specific penalties, but when you cause an accident under substance influence, you can face severe charges in court, which might even involve spending time in jail. Depending on your situation, there are several punishments that the court can grant a driver who was caught driving under the influence.
While the best way to avoid such a situation is to prevent substance consumption while driving, sometimes drivers make mistakes when intoxicated. If you are involved in a similar driving case under the influence, you must contact a personal injury lawyer Rockford as soon as possible. Note that personal injury lawsuits have a time frame in every star, which is crucial to follow to gain compensation.
How does DUI affect a road accident in different situations?
When there are no injuries sustained in the accident.
Generally, when no injuries are sustained to anyone involved in the accident, it is known as a fender bender. In this type of accident, two cars collide with each other, causing priority damages at the maximum. Since there are no injuries in the accident, the person driving under the influence might not have to go to prison or face severe punishment, but they will have to comply with the laws of DUI according to the state.
Every state has different laws about accidents that happen because of DUI. So if you are involved in an accident with someone driving under the influence of alcohol or drugs, you can discuss the possible punishment and penalties with your lawyer. Even though they might not be responsible for any injuries, they are liable for the property damages faced by the other party.
When there are minor injuries sustained in the accident?
Even if minor injuries are sustained from the accident, a DUI case becomes much more prominent because of the pain and suffering caused to others. So if you maintain minor injuries because of an intoxicated river, they can be sentenced and liable to penalties for breaking the law and harming other citizens. In most cases, the minimum sentence of an offender in a DUI case is around five days in prison, plus they have to pay all the penalty charges.
Additionally, the person driving under the influence must also pay you compensation for your injuries and medical bills for healing. The compensation will also include any property damages faced by the victim.